My professional experience is quite varied, with a background in accountancy but diversification into the leisure industry, publishing, health and wellbeing. In the last 15 years, I have honed my role as a social entrepreneur and focussed on projects that make a positive difference in our society.

I have three main companies:

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB) which operates nationally.

BSTLC CIC (Business Supporting Their Local Communities) which covers Southend and surrounding areas and embraces Double Whammy Networking and Southend Business and Community Charter Awards.

Healthy Life Essex CIC which is a web resource for individuals interested in improving their health and wellbeing.

On a B2B level, my goal is to add value to SME businesses by demonstrating the financial benefits of embracing the responsible business agenda. By being an ethical and value driven business, by considering people and the planet, businesses will reduce their overheads, improve their business profile and increase their profits. Using this method of ‘leverage’ can result in so many positive impacts for employees, the local community, society at large and the environment

On a consumer level, I’m passionate about encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing.

As Chairman of ORB, I have now taken a back seat from the day to day operations so I can focus on my local projects: BSTLC, launched in 2017, and also Healthy Life Essex which will have a brand new web site in September 2017.

Although on a very personal level I’m trying to find a bit more ‘me time’, I am really excited by these projects so still quite busy!

Most importantly, I love making a difference.

As a social entrepreneur, I celebrate every positive change I can help make:

Helping small businesses thrive
Supporting the local community
Encouraging individuals to make better lifestyle choices


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